Monday, July 9, 2007


So I went to see my gastroenterologist today. Say that once and you'll develop acid reflux. heheh

Anyway, I have an observation to make: if a nurse is particularly rude in a doc's office, it's because the doc is ESPECIALLY nice. Just an observation that I haven't found to be wrong yet. I mean 2 out of 2 times can't be wrong. And if the nurse if NICE, then you're toast b/c the doc is probably a bear.

Naturally I'm talking about the appointment I had this morning. The nurse gave took my vitals and asked the "summary" questions so that the doc could quickly scan the sheet in the 15 minutes that the corporate office allocated to him (INCLUDING bathroom breaks) and script out his remedy. Whew. (Good job, run-on sentence. Good job.) She was particularly curt with me, cutting me off somewhat and "toning down" my remedies. She convinced me that the migraines I got from a medication were NOT an allergic reaction. I fell under the spell of her dictatorial nursing style. I answered her as I would the Soup Nazi or "no doctor for me".

So then my doc came in. Very pleasant man. He proceeds to read the summary. He said "It says here that it hurts your tummy when you eat veggies." THAT'S HER SUMMARY? I've been having semi-asthmatic attacks from acid reflux for 3 months now and she thinks I have a problem with produce? I even mentioned to her that I started blacking out from lack of air and she tells the doc that my veg o' the day gives me an ouchy tummy? Grrrrr and more grrrrr. I knew she wasn't taking me seriously. Taking a deep breath I asked the nice doc if I could tell "my story". He was very kind, listened intently and treated me like a respectable human. He will definitely benefit from my business again.

But to the doc: Thank you, sir for showing me concern and respect. It's nice to have a medical professional like you.


Sheryl said...

Oh my! That's terrible!

I am seeing my doc tomorrow since I get just about daily stomach aches, and now today I'm home w/ major, painful acid reflux. Hopefully we can come to a solid conclusion on this!

Glad your doc was friendly. I like mine. She's nice to me.

Emily Dykstra said...

Keep me updated, Sheryl. Let me know how you kick this thing!

Betty Miller said...

any diagnosis? prognosis? tests?
now I have another prayer request for you !!! that's two lady :) -so get pregnant and get better.
really-praying for you

Emily Dykstra said...

Wow... thanks, Betty. I really, really appreciate your prayers.

Short Stop said...

Praying for you, Em! Ugh, mean nurses are the worst. `