Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kindergarten Jitters

My daughter will be entering kindergarten next year. 

I wish I were more excited. 

If I were the homeschool type, I would totally homeschool her. My husband and I both agree that it wouldn't be a good idea for us. 

So Dan and I visited two private schools for her. 
We liked the first one. But not for her. 
The second one was also okay. But only just.
Secret option C is the public school right behind our house. 

I received a packet of information for this public elementary school. There are 23 pages of information to fill out or read. 

Twenty three. 

I guess it should give me confidence that the school we're choosing is thorough, but-- may I be honest?- my natural inclination is to think that the choice we're making for her now will affect her for the rest. of. her. life. I mean... I only had to fill out one, maybe two forms in order to get married. But twenty three?

In an ideal world, I would have the perfect combination of homeschool, private and public school for her. All of the good facets of these schools, none of the bad. Ideally speaking.

It's my momma's heart.


Sittintall said...

We have so struggled with this decision too, and have finally decided on the public school around the corner from us. We had a very good meeting with the principal and teachers (and also had oodles of forms to fill out). But I felt very affirmed in our choice after the meeting. However two weeks later the ambivilence sets back in, and wonder if the best choice was made for our little bloomer. It's a hard decision that I suppose you'll always have to reevaluate from time to time. I hope things go well!

Emily Dykstra said...

Oh, thank you for commenting, Sarah. It helps to know we're not the only ones. :)

Anonymous said...

I am 1000% in the same boat as you. If I were the homeschooling type, I'd do it. But I'm now what?! Aiden's got one year of Pre-K ahead (and I'm sad about THAT!!) & then Kindergarten. I don't even want to think about it. *sigh*


Jenni S. said...

I was feeling completely overwhelmed about 6 months ago with the same issues. The nice thing is, really you're only committing to one year. If, at the end of the year it's not the right fit, it's not like Morgan has to stay at that school for the rest of her life. You do have the option to make a change. That's my comfort for Ruthie right now. If it doesn't work out, we pray about it and walk where the Lord leads.

Jenni S. said...

(Hope that didn't sound preachy. It was totally not meant that way!)

Emily Dykstra said...

Thanks Sarah and Jenny and Jenni. I am so thankful for your comments. They helped me a great deal feel at ease. You guys are great!

lindaj804 said...

I was raised a public school kid and my girls have always gone to public schools, so I never really considered a private school for my girls, but I know it is a big issue for some people. I have been very pleased with the schools that my girls have attend and do attend. Different district than Morgan, but both are great school districts, so I hope it works well for her and you.