Wednesday, December 2, 2009


A little fairy came to me and granted me one wish.
"One wish?" I clarified.
"Just one," she said.
"Then I wish I could remember the past month."
"Impossible," she said and exploded into a thousand pieces of light.

Here's what I can gather from the evidence:

There was some sort of big festivity that happened here last week. There were pieces of a large, cooked bird in my fridge and little containers of leftover side dishes. Must have been a big dinner as far as I can tell.

And there are new toys and clothes scattered here and there along with bits of wrapping paper. An early Christmas must have arrived as well.

From the near-empty chicken nugget bag in my freezer, it's apparent that a certain child has been trying out her new teeth with great vigor. Hard crumbs of food under the high chair also indicate some life form with a voracious appetite has been there. A knowing bend in my back suggests that I've been bending over to clean up said floor a lot. Just a hunch. (Couldn't resist the pun.)

From the "size 7" youth pants in the laundry, I deduce there is another little girl who is growing quite tall. There are crayon drawn pictures sitting on various high tables around the home... obviously an attempt to keep littler hands of prey from them. There are little stories as well, written in a language locally known as "kindergarten-ese." It's adorable.

There was a very handsome man in bed with me this morning. He has a wedding ring on his finger (as do I) and appears to be nonplussed by my presence. It appears we are married. He's very cute.

It's a little foggy around here, but I'd say we're hanging in there. And that's probably all a mother can hope for at this moment.


andrea said...

I like it. a lot.

Jenni S. said...

I'm just gonna give you an "amen" and leave it at that. Hope your trip went as well as could be expected and that you all got (or get, if you're still there) home safely.