Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tis the Season

I'd like to dedicate this blog to the pharmaceuticals.

I have a cold. I did too much yesterday and my body is saying, "Whoa, baby, slow down."

Thankfully, there is cold medicine. (Hallelujah chorus.)

I love cold medicine because first it hits me straight between the eyes and makes me sleep. (Zzzzz)

And then it takes the aches and pains away. (Ahhhhh)

And then... then it makes me think in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n.

Today as I was driving the car on an errand I was thinking the following... very slowly:

"Hmmm, I wonder if I should be driving.

Was there a warning about 'operating a motor vehicle' while on these meds?

Who says 'motor vehicle' anyway? Just say 'wheels'.

Tra la la la la la.

Look at that bird! I like birds.

Is a baby crying? Why is there a baby in my car? Am I a mother?

Stress is such a fun word to say... Stresssssssss.

I think we'll have cereal for dinner. I like cereal dinners.

What gender am I?

Am I married?

I'm glad the lines on the road are yellow. So pretty."

Thank you, peace-in-a-box. How I owe thee.


Anonymous said...

This made me laugh out loud...literally. I totally know what you mean about the cold meds. They completely take me to another world, which is actually why I avoid them, personally. But they do their job, and boy are they nice to take right before bed. It's just that the next day, I always feel Jello-y and weak and out of it. I hope you're feeling better, Em!
P.S. Don't do any commercials for NyQuil, okay?? ;)

Jenni S. said...

Oh my gosh, this post is hilarious. I am so there right now!!!