Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekend Musings

Well, I'm back.

About this time last week I was meeting two very special people for the very first time: my niece and nephew. In a word: adorable. My sister and brother surprised me with a visit to Maryland at the same time as us. Just as I was settling into the house, my sister appeared from around the corner with two adorable babies.

I wept. From shock. From joy. Mostly joy. I thought I wouldn't meet these little buggers until their first birthday.

Here's a few pics:


Kathryn Clark said...

Beautiful Pics Em. Good to "see" you in one of them too. It's been too long. Glad you had a chance for a visit with everyone. I miss my fam too. Cried when I was back home and thinking about them. But love being back home with MY family :).

andrea said...

Emily, your family is beautiful. You are gorgeous and Morgan looks so much like you in that first picture! Hope you're well and settling back into your home after your vacation!

Jenni S. said...

You must have been SO excited to see your sister and her family. The twins are so precious. How fun for your parents to be surrounded by all those grand-babies!