Thursday, March 22, 2007

Aunt Jill!

Morgan and I just got back from Des Moines. We visited Aunt Jill, Dan's sister. It was a fun jaunt, let me tell ya.

Morgan had a couple of "firsts"... She took her first picture with the camera. She did manage to take a photo of Jill and I but we are kind of in the corner of the photo. And she had her first Indian food. We had lots of "girl" time and Aunt Jill treated us to takeout. We ate on the floor of the living room and watched old reruns of Full House while eating Chicken Curry. It was a little jarring culturally which made it all the more fun. Plus, I don't care how 80s his hair was, John Stamos is h-h-h-ot.

There were a few embarassing moments. Dan's mother came down for the day. While she was in the bathroom, Morgan kept banging on the door and shouting, "Grandma, what color are your pull-ups?" (Morgan thinks everyone wears pullups, even though she wears underwear.) And when my dear mother in law came out of the bathroom, Morgan asked her if she was wearing a bra. She's infatuated with undergarments.

Morgan is pretty crazy about Aunt Jill, too. She cried when we left Jill's place and followed my poor sis-in-law around constantly. Jill showed Morgan her tattoos and Morgan was thrilled. She thought they were ink stamped on her shoulder, just like the kind she gets when she goes to My Gym or Chucky Cheese. She came up to Jill and said, "I like your stamps, Aunt Jill!" and Jill laughed in a frustrated fashion and said, "They're not stamps, Morgan! They're tattoos!" (I'm sure Jill had told her MULTIPLE times.) But once Morgan has it in her mind that Aunt Jill probably went to Chucky Cheese to get a dragon tattoo on her shoulder blade, nothing is going to change her mind.

Jill also has a small, beautiful diamond pierced in her nose. It's inconspicuous and sassy. I love it. Morgan loves it, too. She thought it was a sticker because Morgan gets "sticker" earrings. "I like your sticker, Aunt Jill," she said. Poor Jill. It's the equivalent of saying "I like your clip-on tie" to a business executive.

Morgan also thoroughly enjoyed Jill's two cats: Sam and Amelia. I can't say they enjoyed her affection, but they got a good workout, dashing from this room and that. I think one of Jill's cats was getting pretty stressed about Morgan, because she started vomiting. Morgan found it on the couch one morning. She ran into the bedroom where I was sleeping, "Mom, the cat pooped on the couch!" It was early in the morning (6am?) and since she wouldn't let the subject go, I followed her to the living room to view the evidence. "Morgan, that's not poop. But it is yucky. No touchie." Jill explained later about her sensitive feline.

So that's it in a nutshell. A good time was had by all. I bet Jill is reconsidering if she ever wants to have children and hugging her traumatized kitties right now.

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