Friday, March 9, 2007

Chicago? What Chicago?

Greetings from Gulf Shores, Alabama. Lobster Emily signing in.

The first of the week was a little on the chilly side, Alabamically speaking. It was about upper 60s. But yesterday it was 73 and today it may be 75.

It's no secret... I love, love, love the beach. Love it. Love the sand. Love the water. Love the sun.

Yesterday I loved the sun a little too much. I'm a bit singed... a little on the toasted side, but boy does it feel good.

I keep forgetting that technically it's winter. I feel like when I return it will be July.

Dan's folks have been very generous in having us here. We've been frequenting their establishments. Earlier this week we visited their favorite bartender, Judy. She likes to see Morgan year after year. Morgan greeted Judy in a very unusual way: "Hi, Judy! I went poopy in the potty." Anyone who has potty trained children or can appreciate potty training will understand Morgan's greeting. I don't encourage Morgan to give people a rundown of her exrementel activities, but hey, she's three.

I'm happy to say that Morgan loves the beach, too. She easily spends HOURS outside. We take shifts watching her on the beach because, quite honestly, there's only SO much excitement I can feign making sand castles.

When I return to Chicago, I advise all my friends to not ask me to do anything for them. Don't even call me to ask me for a phone number. I'm brain numb. I will be a jellyfish for at least a month. I think this trip is stripping me of the "type A".

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