Friday, March 2, 2007


When I looked out the windows of my home this morning and saw the snow blowing horizontally, I thought I was still laying down or hadn't had my V8 yet.

I had a few errands I was going to run today before we went out of town, but I decided that it would be a better day to snuggle here with Morgan. We went to MOPS this morning (Mothers of PreSchoolers). But after that, we came home and decided that once in a while it's okay to hang back.

This time next week, I hope to be walking on the beach. I don't know how much warmer it will be, probably upper 60s, but anything better than 30s would be great. We're going to Alabama to visit Dan's folks for a week. I'm praying for weather warm enough to lay in the sand and fall asleep. I worked 13 summers at the beach in New Jersey and I can still hear the ocean in my head.

Strangely enough, the wind outside sounded like an ocean today as well. Not the same feeling, but a similar sound. Powerful.

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