Thursday, March 1, 2007


Whew! What a hump day! Wednesday was filled with news.

Dan and I went to the fertility specialist yesterday. She is great. She knows a great deal and is going to put us through a battery of tests. I'm REALLY glad she's doing that. I was concerned that she might say something trite like, "Take this pill and call me in a month."

In fact, she wanted to know about all our pregnancies, even the chemical ones. She was interested in how the last pregnancy had a heartbeat and good size the 8th week and suddenly stopped the 9th week. She seemed to suggest that the fetus had a stroke because of the suddeness of the death.

We have no answers yet, but after many weeks of testing, we should be in a better position for her to tell us where to go next. I'm so grateful to live in a country where this health care is available!


We put our house on the market! Can you believe it? We moved here about 5 years ago and put our blood, sweat and, let's be honest, life savings into this thing and now it's going to be on the market.

I'm very emotional right now. Yesterday was so amazing, I found myself very teary today. I let Morgan watch "Nemo" with some friends and found myself crying over a cartoon. Yikes. "Don't worry, Nemo-- You'll find your Daddy. Just like someone will buy our house."

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