Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I'm not one to gush about my daughter, but boy has she brought me happiness. This child has me continually thinking, doubting, laughing, disciplining, running and loving.

This morning she answered her first phone call. "Mom, answer the phone!" she yelled to me. She had a phone in her hand already answered. I picked up the phone and, sure enough, Grandpa was on the phone. I had been in the shower and didn't hear it ring.

Yesterday she came up to Dan with a concern: "Dad, wedgies hurt, don't they?" Her tone of voice suggested that they could commisserate together about this problem. She wasn't trying to be cute. Apparently wedgies are a real issue to her three year old mind.

But this morning, she brought tears to my eyes. "Mom! I wrote you a note!" She gave me a piece of paper with scribbles on it. "Good job, Morgan! What does it say?" Her answer stunned me: "It says, 'Dear Mommy- You can borrow my baby since you don't have a baby in your tummy.'" Then she dashed off to play. She's pretty astute for a young child. I can't deny that there are the remnants of ache still in my heart when I think of my body not producing a healthy baby after Morgan. But my, what a gift I have in my compassionate daughter. What a gift.

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