Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I may be alone in this sentiment, but I have a small phobia. Of malls.

I know, I know-Crazy, right? I'm a woman who somewhat enjoys shopping, but there's something about the vastness of choice, throngs of people and- I'll be honest- "Made in China" labels on nearly every item that make me uncomfortable. I avoid malls like the plague. Maybe I overdosed on shopping as a teenager. Who knows?

What's more, I don't particularly like to have a lot of excess in my house, either.

So it follows that I have a tinge of anxiety when Christmas rolls around. Malls. Stuff I don't need. Decision making--eeek! For years, I haven't known quite what to ask for when my family requests my Christmas wish list.

What I really want sounds lame on a holiday list:
- A nap
- A baby. (Oh, c'mon, laugh. It's funny.)
- A good husband- already have that
- A darling daughter- got her!
- Uninterrupted time in the bath

I'd like to throw out some ideas to my bloggyland friends which may prime the creative pump of yours when giving or receivng gifts this holiday season:

1. A Class
You heard me right. A class. Dance class lessons. Swim lessons for the kiddo. Gymnastics lessons. Cooking class. My in-laws bought Morgan a class last year for Christmas and it was SO fun. It was the gift that kept on giving.

2. Something Homemade
I'm starting to get to that age where the best gifts involve memories of good times. Photo albums. Hand painted watercolors. A poem. A collection of black and white photos of deceased relatives who are special.

3. Life Coaching

I'm serious. Doesn't that sound like fun? I met a life coach last year named Lori Radun. She has fantastic ecourses on mothering and I'm in the midst of one now on energy... and why mothers lack it. It's pretty interesting.

4. An Experience
What does a tired business professional or weary parent need for Christmas? Forget the crock pot. A little buzz in the creative juices would do wonders. How about concert tickets? A swanky picnic in the park. A day downtown. A pedicure. A makeover. Something to remind one that they are not only human, they have a heartbeat and a personality.

These are just a few suggestions for those suffering from bulging eaves and support walls. A house can only hold so much stuff comfortably, right? Let China make a few things for their own country while you try some unconventional gift giving techniques. It's worth some thought.


Janice said...

I will echo the class idea. I gave one of my best friends a gift certificate to a cooking school one year. We wound up taking a class together, learned a four course meal (wine included) and had a great time. I just gave myself a four week intro to drawing class at the YMCA. And I am hoping for some yoga classes as a present this year to finally get me started. There are so many classes out there, its an great idea. I think I will steal the experience one for all the new moms in my life and give them a date night- thanks for that one!

Mercy said...

No you are not alone in your phobia. I don't know if I would call mine a phobia, but I echo your sentiments just the same. I just don't like malls or shopping. Your ideas are great. One of the best gifts was a gift certificate for yoga classes. Amazon is another great one... you can get books, CDs, and so much more! We also like gift cards to Barnes & Noble because you can make an afternoon/evening out of it.

Short Stop said...

Jason and I are all about experiences...for us and the kids. We just don't need (or really even want) more "stuff".