Wednesday, November 28, 2007


You know when you get back from a really big trip and try to summarize all the little wonderful things that happened but, out of fullness of mind and loads of laundry to catch up on, you can't? Whew. Here's some of the bullet points:

- Walking into my parents house, swearing that it smells like the fragrant kitchen my great-grandmother had and trying not to tear up.

- Watching Morgan tease her uncles and adore her aunt.

- Going shopping for Christmas presents with my Mom. Finding that we want to peruse the magazines for Christmas cookies for us instead. hehe

- Oooing and aaahhing with my Mom at Anthropologie and G Street Fabrics.

- Hugging my family incessantly.

- Enjoying a feast with my family. Being truly thankful. For my uncle's recovery from his stroke this year. For Dan's better job situation. For loving siblings and parents. For God.

- Watching my brothers, husband and father as they rib each other at poker. Watching them the morning after as they lament the money the lost or the drinks they had.

- Marveling at how my kid sister is now a woman. Marveling at how, although she has had her choice of men for ages, she is willing to wait for one in particular. She is learning love.

- Watching the glimmer come back in my brother's eyes after many hard years of searching for truth.

- Watching an Jane Austin movie with my mother.

- Marveling at the way my father can see the potential in an old house, flip it and make it someone else's home.

- Seeing a long friend of Dan's and grateful how God has given her a beautiful child and husband.


Short Stop said...

Oh Em...I'm so glad you had such a great trip home! I loved reading about the things that made it special!

Miss you!

Kris said...

Sounds like you did a great job of summing it up! These sound like really special moments!