Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I saw some spots on Morgan while she was in the bath. I asked her to show me if she had any other spots on her leg. (She didn't.) Instead, she pointed to her oval-shaped birth mark and said, "Mom, this isn't a dot. This is a bookmark."


Emily: "Morgan, get your coat on. We have to pick up Daddy from the train station."

Morgan: "Mom! I have blue hands! Like Cookie Monster!"

(You know those blue Color Wonder sheets that are only supposed to rub off with special markers? They also work with saliva and a little elbow grease from one fiesty 4 year old.)

We were not late to the train station, fortunately.


Morgan was talking to an imaginary child this morning in the bathroom. It went something like this:

"Now when Mommy tells you to hold hands in the street you hold hands in the street. Do you want lemon in your mouth? Now you won't do that again. Do you know what rhymes with wathtub? Bathtub! That's right. What rhymes with ploshcloth? Washcloth! Good job!"

Question: For the sake of recording these imaginary conversations for posterity, would I be infringing on any laws of privacy if I installed a video recorder in her bathroom? Just asking.


Unknown said...

I'd shy away from the video camera in the bathroom...pull a stunt like that, and we'll be paying for it in Morgan's future therapy sessions. ;)

Short Stop said...

I'm with video cameras in the bathroom. It could lead to future trauma!

BUT, does this imaginary friend hide out only in toiletland? I'd try to catch this treasured talk on video somewhere else!

After the bean is born, we're coming to see you so I can see this girl in action! :)

Emily Dykstra said...

Oh, man! It's a date! Promise?