Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Life Coaching

I mentioned in my earlier post that I'm enjoying an ecourse on the Energy Equation, a family of 8 lessons by life coach Lori Radun on bringing energy back into our lives. She spends the first part of the lessons talking about decluttering.

A little back story: As a stay at home mother, I spend approximately 50% of my day moving stuff. Seriously. Moving Dan's shoes from downstairs to upstairs. Moving Morgan's toys from the middle of the floor to a less dangerous setting. And, lest I sound too self-righteous, I pick up my own castaways as well. Stuff.

Living in a small house the past 5 years taught me to be choosy about the stuff I brought into my house. I miss my old house sometimes for that very reason. I liked the coziness of it all.

There is a point to this. I promise.

Ever since we moved into this larger house, there's a lot more storage for unused stuff. I'm trying to be vigilant about purging our house as often as possible from things that no longer fit our lifestyle or our future lifestyle.

I found it interesting, then, that Lori Radun has devoted the first lesson in her energy course to decluttering. I was surprised. I honestly thought she'd throw in some vitamin research, ways to workout better and a few wise proverbs. Nope. She has an action plan. Though a throughly spiritual person, she approaches this course from a very physical standpoint: get the junk out of your way that is keeping you from resting.

Let me show you two results from my recent endeavors. A few weeks ago I installed track shelving in my office. The shelving is modular in case I need to move it around. It's very strong... can hold up to 400 lbs per shelf. And as a result of this installation, I now have a sense of peace in my office; everything has its home.

Additionally, I finally framed Dan's September 11th airline ticket. Now it holds a precious place in his side of the office along with a reminder that our days are in God's hands.

I won't say that I'm bursting at the seams with energy, but it sure feels great to know that each item has a home and that I can find it easily.

Check it out. You may enjoy it as well.

Here's the syllabus:
Week 1 - Introduction - Identifying the Energy Drains in your Life
Week 2 - Clutter in your Environment - Why we hang on
Week 3 - Clutter in your Environment - Letting Go
Week 4 - Clutter in your Relationships - Energy Draining Behaviors #1 - #4
Week 5 - Clutter in your Relationships - Energy Draining Behaviors #5 - #8
Week 6 - Clutter in Yourself - Self-defeating Behaviors #1 - #4
Week 7 - Clutter in Yourself - Self-defeating Behaviors #5 - #8
Week 8 - Creative Ways to Refuel your Energy


trevsmom said...

Totally interesting Emily. I did take a brief gander over at her sight. I am going to research a bit more....but not now I have too much to do and have NO ENERGRY! hmmmmm :-) Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Short Stop said...

Em, this course is totally fascinating to me. I need to go check it out more.

The organization bit is great. Your shelves are awesome!

A girl who loves said...

I am de-cluttering also... One closet and drawer at a time.

This week was my pre-baby skinny pants. Horrible experience, but necessary. No more taunting on a daily basis from my closet.

I recently did my coat closet, and donated the coats to a coat drive. The chilly weather has reminded me, and somebody will be happy to have it. Especially Jack's baby bunting.