Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Days of Grace

I look at my new post-pardum pants and see that silly putty has made it's sticky hold onto them. *sigh* When to have time to scrape that stuff off? I have two decent pants to wear right now. Two. And one is not wearable.

Then my sister sent me a package with her "after pregnancy" pants. Some swanky Banana Republic ones fit just right. So thankful. Simply grace.


My daughter was playing with aforementioned silly putty. Got on the microfiber sofa pillow. I put it in the laundry room, essentially purgatory. Not gonna be able to deal with that for months.

Mom came to visit and spent an hour and a half getting said silly putty out of pillow. Amazing. More grace.


Frozen dinners from friends. A God-send. Grace.


Not enough time to "research" beach house. Sister sends link. Baby sleeps an extra hour or two so momma can reserve beach house before it's taken. Grace.

But then, each day, each breath, each bite of food and smile is grace too, isn't it?

Tempted to worry about how we'll have TIME for this or MONEY for that or ENERGY for thus-and-so. But then I stop, remember, and smile at how God distributes. Grace.


Sheryl said...

Thank you for reminding me to sit back and realize that grace is all around me - not just in the bigger things in life!

BTW - Eve is freaking adorable and the sisters together is priceless!!

andrea said...

ahhh, yes...a good reminder that God provides!

Jenni S. said...

I love this post - it's a great reminder to see the little things as grace, not just the big things.