Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's All in the Numbers

1. When pregnant with Morgan, I preferred to "round up" the number of weeks pregnant I was to the next week. It didn't make the baby come any faster, but it seemed like it did.

2. Once my babies were born, I preferred to "round down" the number of weeks old they were.
Didn't make them any younger.

3. Got weighed in at the doc's office yesterday.
I was 1?4 pounds.
The nurse looked at me mercifully and said, "I'll say you're 1?3 pounds."
It really doesn't matter, now does it?

4. My sister sent me her "after pregnancy pants". They're all by Banana Republic and are the same size. However, I can only fit into one of the three of them. (Huh?) One of the sizes is lying and I don't want to know which. :)

5. I am 34. This number doesn't really mean anything to me. However, if I had Eve when I was 35, I would be considered "Advanced Maternal Age" and have to be monitored a lot more than I was. All because of one eensy weensy number.

6. Before I was a mother, I drove on the fast side. Now I'm more prone to be one of those grumpy "Please drive 25" mothers. Even though I drive, like, 7 miles over that. That's my limit: seven.

7. When I was a teen, I couldn't tell the difference between a 50 year old and a 70 year old. Once my internal clock ticked "20", I saw the difference. And when I turned 30, the 70 year olds looked like 45 to me.

8. I'm trying to eat healthfully after this pregnancy and using a book called "Body after Baby". It's by a nutritionist.
Today for breakfast I ate (among other things) one quarter of a banana.
A quarter.
The book said I could eat a quarter. Of a fruit.
Bananas don't come in quarters, lady.
(For the record, her other meal plans have been good portion size and not so ridiculous.)


Sheryl said...

#4 - The bigger size is lying. Don't you hate that!? H & M kills me. I go in there, pick out my size and it's waaay too small. Really? But I know I haven't gained any weight! H & M destroys self-confidence b/c one has to go up TWO sizes just to fit into something. EEEK (Yet I still buy from there. Ha ha)
#7 - Funny! I remember when I was just in AWE of kids who were 18! They looked so old!!

Mercy said...

The secret is to shop at outlet stores... you always take one size smaller at outlets! Do I hear sales gimmick here? NAH *wink*

I'm sure you look stunning!

Short Stop said...

NOW I know why I love the outlets so much. Merc, I never knew that!

70 is definitely the new 45. Definitely.

Jenni S. said...

You know where I love to shop is Ann Taylor -- it totally makes me feel better about myself because everything seems to be a size bigger from the stores catering to teens with no b.utt and no b.oobs. So while in the Gap I might be size X, in AT, I'm X minus one size. I totally walk out of there feeling skinny even though *nothing* has changed.