Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Morgan Stories

Morgan: "Mom, my dolly is named 'Diane'."

Emily: "Really? I thought it was 'Priscilla'."

Morgan: "'Priscilla'? That's a pretty name." (Thinking) "But no, this one is Diane. I think she saw someone die... that's why her name is Die...Ann."

Totally morbid, I know, but my girl is a thinker. 


Morgan: "Mom, I'll tell you how to be smart: You THINK smart things and then you DO them. That's how you be smart. Let's tell Daddy how to be smart when he gets home."

Emily: "Daddy already is smart."

Morgan: "He's not smart like me. He's smart like Daddy. But he has to know the things I know to be smart."

Emily: "Oh."

Morgan: "And Eve is already smart. She can hold up her head. And she likes me. She's smart."


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, Emily, she must keep you laughing all the time. Morgan sounds like so much fun and a joy to be around. And quite the smart one, too. :)


Jenni S. said...

OK, the "Die...Ann" had me rolling. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall of her brain sometimes? ;)