Thursday, February 12, 2009

Got Milk?

In our house, I don't do very much except feed Eve. In fact,  I started charting her feedings. She ate 13 times yesterday. Thirteen. Lands.

I decided to see a lactation consultant.

I thought there was a problem but after a bit of time in the land of lactation, the nice consultant told me that everything was going well, that a big fat baby is a nice problem to have and that I should brace myself for the hungry child I have born. 

So you'll have to forgive my earlier posts of complete despair because, well, I was in despair and completely beside myself with weariness. 

But today I can see the blessing that she is. I was reminded of this blessing when a precious friend found out today that her IVF procedure did not work as planned. I wept for her. So very, very frustrating. At the same time, I feel immense hope for her. I just do. I know it's way too early to tell her that, but I do. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I must get going... the lactation consultant said that due to my baby's size I can eat an extra 500 calories a day... and I intend to do just that. 


Mercy said...

ahh, sweet, sweet calories! carbs... yes... bread... and butter, lots of it...

sorry, i got carried away. i envy you.

Anonymous said...

oops... hit enter too soon... hi emily... that was me :)

diplofam said...

Hey Emily,
Gosh I wish I could have written whitty and funny breastfeeding posts about 2 months ago, but I was so beside myself with doubt and frustration I could only cry! I love your lactation consultant humor-I had never visited one until Josiah was born-wow, that was an experience-they REALLY like breastfeeding and every problem has a solution.....whatever. Sounds like you are having a better day though which makes me happy. Just be thankful that they are both healthy which is more than I can say for my brood!

Anonymous said...

An extra 500 calories means extra cookies for you! :-D