Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Mother's Letter

Nemo's Father: “I promised nothing would ever happen to him,” 
Dory responds: “But then nothing would ever happen to him.”
-Finding Nemo, movie

To my daughters:

What a week this has been. I've watched both of you grow in so many ways. Morgan, you have been copying letters onto paper and exclaiming "I am SO ready for kindergarten" all week. It brings a tear to my eye to know that just 5 years ago you were a wee one in my arms, just like your sister. And here you are, becoming more and more independent. 

Eve, you have been smiling and interacting much more this week. You especially love your activity mat which we borrowed from our friends, the Wises. You light up whenever you hear the music. You've grown over 3 pounds since birth. I love our bonding time over breastfeeding. You're beautiful, my dear. 

While my life has been largely spent taking care of you two lovely ladies, I have had to try not to let the cares of others weigh me down. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE and CARE for my friends dearly. But I have been having to exercise faith... that after I have prayed for friends I must leave them in Someone's arms who are far greater and stronger than mine. 

I wept for my friend who had fertility trouble.
I prayed bitterly for my unemployed friends.
I ached for the family that lost their sister in the plane crash. 

And through each session of prayer, I felt compelled to fight for joy and peace for our family. In order to honor the lives of those lost or to appreciate the light of each day, I feel strongly that we must live, smile, pray, eat, create, care and continue in this pattern. 

I'd love to promise you that "nothing will ever happen to you". But that's a silly thing to promise. I want great and wonderful things to happen to you. I already pray for your future mates, for your friendships and for your life experiences. I want you to enjoy the fullness of life, to "have an adventure", as you always say, Morgan. 

There is evil in the world and great sadness. But whenever you feel overwhelmed by the sin in this world, I want you to do something simple: look at nature. See the beauty in God's creation. See the way God melds form and function in the veins of a leaf. See God's fingerprint on that natural order: how the leaf knows when to be green, when to turn a brilliant fall hue and when to relinquish its hold. 

And then realize that that is just one leaf. His fingerprint and care is on every leaf of every tree. And every tree of every forest. How much more is his care upon you, beautiful daughters... made in his image.

Well, it's time for me to go to bed and rest for another packed day with you girls. I love you, I pray for you and I must entrust you and your adventures to Someone far greater than me.

Love, Mommy


trevsmom said...

What a beautiful letter to your girls. This needs to go in their baby books! ;-) You are such a gifted writer Emily! You are so right to take care of your girls the way you Grandma always tells me that kids are parents mission field. And oh how I have learned that to so be true! God help us to serve with gladness the little ones on our mission fields! Praying for you tonight!

MommaMcD said...

How beautiful, Emily.
How grateful I am that these two little ladies have nestled into your heart so. They are very blessed - as am I.

Jenni S. said...

This is beautiful Emily. It sounds like quite an emotional roller coaster over the last few weeks. I pray that God gives you a time of peace to take it all in.