Friday, February 20, 2009

Dress Mess

Emily: "Morgan, I bought you a new dress! Come look!"

Morgan: "Mom, I do not like that dress because they have polka dots. I hate polka dots."

Emily: "No you don't. You have two dresses with polkas."

Morgan: "Well, I don't like them."

Emily: "Well, this isn't a polka dot dress; it has circles on it, not polkas." 
(It's not lying; it's semantics.)

Morgan: "Well I don't like it because it has LARGE polkas on it."

Emily: "Your other dress has even large polka dots on it."

Morgan: "No, those are BIG polka dots. I like BIG polka dots. But this one has LARGE polka dots on it."

Oh, for the love of Pete...

Emily: "Fine. You don't have to wear it. I'll return it."

Morgan: "Fine. I'll wear the dress I don't like."

I have no idea who won the argument. 


Sheryl said...

I think you guys went in....wait for it...CIRCLES!
Ha ha
I'm funny today :)

Cute dress though!

Anonymous said...

That is so, so funny!!! Matt and I were reading this together and laughing out loud. Smart girl! She knows what she wants likes...and doesn't like. ;)


Jenni S. said...

LOL! Oh that is hilarious!