Friday, May 16, 2008

Big Picture

On, one can see illustrations of what the gestational development of, say, a 9 week pregnancy looks like. Underneath the image, there is a link which says, "See the Big Picture".

I laughed. That's exactly what I need: to see the big picture.

I have spent the majority of the week feeling very, very sick. It's good for me mentally-- the baby is doing some great growth. The sickness is exhausting. This week I did my share of crying to my new best friend, El Toilette, and asking it why I was going through this. My husband was gone most of the week and I was weary.

But today, I saw this image and saw the alien within my gates is starting to look more human and that maybe I'm growing something wonderful after all.

Perhaps this offends some: that a woman who worked hard for nearly two years to obtain a nice strong (albeit sick) pregnancy would even dare to complain. I mean, I asked for it.

Yeah, I'm pretty ashamed of that. But maybe as I fix my eyes on this illustration, I'll see why it's all worth it.


On a separate note, I knew I needed some help with Morgan during my sickness. My friend Cari recommended that I put an ad on the Wheaton College website. Within hours I get a response from a WONDERFUL woman who helps me each day. I grow a baby and she helps with Morgan. And dishes. And vacuuming. And brings me flowers from her garden. I am very blessed to have her. Thanks, Cari, for the suggestion.


Short Stop said...

Hang in there, my friend. Lord willing, it will only be temporary!

Keep growing, little one. There's a whole lotta love waiting for you out here! :)

Kris said...

Wow, it's amazing how quickly we can see their little features! Grow, baby, grow!

ps. Glad you were able to get some help...good for you!

Have a great sunny weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We're so excited for you guys!! I always loved looking on and seeing how the baby was developing that week. We're praying for you guys! Hope you feel better soon!

The Bakers said...

I am so glad you have some help with Morgan. I was worried about you because I know the sickness but can't imagine it with another little person to care for at the same time. Hang in there - I am sure your new little one will be adorable.