Monday, December 1, 2008

Gift Card Happiness

I was starting to get stressed about tomorrow.

I needed to buy several gift cards for family members for Christmas. But I'm due in 3 weeks and my hips just ache with this precious child. Walking must be portioned out in bite-sized pieces. You get?

I thought to myself: "Self, why don't you just bite the bullet and pay the shipping to get the gift cards sent directly there?"

I was a little leary. Earlier this year I tried to buy a measly $15 gift card from someplace and they wanted $10 in shipping and handling. Outrageous. I'm too frugal to pay that. And *ahem* I'm too smart. *wink

But I gave it a shot. I went online.

Cue Hallelujah Chorus.

Be*st Buy had free shipping on gift cards.

Walm*art had shipping for less than $2.

The spa gift card for my sis was also zero dollars in shipping.

My hips and legs are so thankful.


Sittintall said...

That's ridiculous. Why would any place make you pay $10 for something that costs less than
$.40 to send?

Jenni S. said...

I agree with Sarah, although I know of a Swedish megastore that charges something similar and yet I still paid it because I was not going to drive two hours to buy it. SO GLAD you got cheap/free shipping!!

Oh, and just so you know I can somewhat feel your pain, for the last 2 months of my pregnancy with Lily, because of her position inside, I walked around with a permanent gr.oin pull for those last 2 months. It was wretched and painful so I understand just a little of how you're feeling!