Monday, December 8, 2008

Last Days of Pregnancy Memoirs

For some reason I am under the impression that I am the only mother in the world who doesn't spend her mornings as diligently as she would like. Okay, I'll be honest... I'm downright slovenly, especially of late. 

Getting dressed? Not important.
Breakfast? Whenever we want.
Laundry? Only if it gets really bad.

The school year started with good intentions... I bought some preschool books and spent the first weeks planning lessons and spending time with Morgan. But pregnancy brain = no motivation for me. Mornings are a bear. It's 7am and I have started the morning by sticking my daughter in front of Sesame Street so I can rest. I don't feel guilty about it. I just feel confused by how difficult it can be to be a homemaker at times. Laughing... the day starts with a bang.

Granted, we slept in a bit because Dan and I had an unplanned date night last night. Apparently the pain in my abdomen was something the hospital wanted to monitor, so we took a jaunt. That's probably why we're tired THIS morning. Not sure about other mornings. :)

I'm in the wacky taffy stage of pregnancy where I don't trust my emotions one iota. The other morning I got up early to spend some time with God and all I did was look at the cover of my Bible. I didn't want to open it at all. I didn't want one extra thought in my head. Or word. Just quietness. So I just looked at the cover and thanked God for His love.

Yesterday I felt exhausted after church. Dan took Morgan to a birthday party while I rested. I did end up resting, but then I got the domestic bug and started making cookies and oven fries... apparently I felt our family needed carbs. I don't know. That was our dinner. Hehe.

Sometimes I feel lonely and thrilled to get a phone call. Sometimes I feel very angry at the phone for ringing. I just want quietness. Totally unpredictable. 

I'm taking a lot of baths, for some reason, too. 

I'm not sure what today holds. Morgan wants to make slime. That sounds okay. 

Dan is working from the 'burbs and doing my grocery shopping presently before he goes to work. How did I land such a sweetheart?

All this to say, the theme for today is the following: flexibility, grace and rest. And hopefully some laughter, too, with this goofy pregnancy.


Shannon said...

I'm impressed that you can still get in and out of the bathtub. That was impossible for me the last 2 months of pregnancy. lol

trevsmom said...

Hang in there girl.....only 1 1/2 weeks left....I am so excited for you guys! Enjoy the movements of Petri dish love child for the last 10 days :-)

Short Stop said...

You're so wonderfully hormonal! Just as you should be at this time!

I can't believe she'll be here so soon! Can't wait to meet her!

Jenni S. said...

OK, again, is it bad that my hormones do much the same thing and there is no baby inside my tummy? We are currently watching our second movie for the day and I have nowhere near the excuse. Sigh. Oh well, it's not like we're building a fire in the middle of the living room or anything... We don't have to be June Cleaver. She was fake anyway. LOL.