Thursday, December 4, 2008


When we last left our superhero, she was unable to sleep. Something inside her strongly compelled her to awake--alone-- and attend to the pre-dawn hour responsibilities. It was good that she did, too, because "cottage cheese" had not been added to the grocery list. Foible averted.

This morning, she awoke again during the hours before light. Smirking, she joked that should name her next daughter "Dawn", a remark which would have been funnier had other human life also been awake.

But no, superheroes by nature work alone. Saving people from burning buildings. Giving con artists a dose of their own medicine. Growing babies and embracing insomnia. That sort of thing.

It was on this particular morning that our Superhero revealed her true identity: Pregnancy Girl. There was nothing subtle about her stature or her name. And while Pregnancy Girl had always wanted to be in such a state, she was eager to embrace a new line of work. Perhaps something in mothering. Or breastfeeding.

She was also eager to don a new ensemble. Something a little more svelte. Experience told her to resist the urge to burn her current wardrobe in case of bodily weight malfunction. Just a hunch.

Upon revealing her true identity, she could now fully embrace all that she was meant to be: the Neurotic 2 am Maker of Lists, the Psychotic Baker of Cookies before Sun's Light and... Drinker of Lots of Water. Amply cushioned, she sat down this morning with pen in hand and began to center her mind for the day. Everything seemed equally important, but our superhero, with her super-neuroses for a mind, was able to see that with time, and a mid-morning nap, it would all come together. Yes it would.


Kris said...

Em, you are a superhero! I love that you are taking this part of your pregnancy with a good dose of humor! Only a few more weeks!

Mercy said...

You are so funny! I am enjoying these late pregnancy writings... seems like such a l-o-n-g time ago...

Jenni S. said...

You make me laugh. I love your sense of humor - it matches much of my own.