Sunday, December 7, 2008


Before my IVF process, I began to receive encouragement from friends and family in the form of gifts and letters. At times the hope for a healthy pregnancy seemed too heavy and so I referred back to these letters and prayers often. I put them in spiral bound notebook which I insisted be yellow, for Hope.

I recently came across this notebook and remembered:

Many months ago, there was an article in The Banner Magazine entitled "Blessed are Those Who Mourn". I was deeply moved by this article and wrote the author. What follows is a snippet of her beautiful writing followed by an amazing response from her. As I walk these last days of pregnancy, I am reminded that this baby was conceived through a huge family of people who cared. I'm deeply touched.

She writes:

My courage to love despite loss comes from God’s own courage to love us. God is astonished and wounded by our utter rejection. He mourns. And he keeps loving. And though life will continue to shake us all, God’s own warm body is in this sea, and there we delight in the discovery of our finite humanity while attached like a barnacle to our infinite God. We learn to mimic God because we are in love, and we joyfully shout to him, “Father, look at us, we’re alive!”

Dear Emily,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so thankful to know how these words touched you. Thank you for taking the time to write.

Emily, I was able to spend some time praying for you and Dan last night. I might know some of the heart ache you two have gone through with the loss of your babies; my husband and I were never able to have children. As I prayed for the two of you, my heart leapt with hope! I'm so happy to hear you are able to try IVF. I'll continue to pray that you will be able to hold your child one day.

I'm glad to hear you will not be embarrassed for the love you have for your unborn children. In love, we are getting just a small taste of the mystery that holds the universe together. God has so much to teach us! What a joy it is to be his child. May you grow stronger in love everyday. May you be strengthened and refreshed daily from his Word (from his heart!) for your "big journey." Blessings to you Emily.

Your companion in Christ,
Lisa Svelmoe


Mercy said...

With your permission, I am copying and saving this. It really touched my heart.

Emily, I would to have your email so we can communicate direclty. Mine is

p.s. Thank you for your comment on my blog re: the unemployed. Thank you for praying.

Short Stop said...

I read this the other day and I began to cry.

I have loved being your friend on this journey. And, to see you holding that little girl will bring me such joy - as well as to the others who have walked this with you.

BTW, are you naming her Joy? LOL! Sorry, couldn't resist.

Jenni S. said...

Wow, Emily - what beautiful words. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your journey. I really feel like I can share a little bit in both your joy and pain even though we've never met. May that not always be the case (the never meeting part). :) So excited for you on the coming weeks!!!