Thursday, December 18, 2008

Preparing Her Room

This is the room formerly called the "Hope" room, but now it will be _____'s nursery. This is the recliner we bought with her in mind, for lots of cuddling and late night "talks". The window treatments were fun to make. The Roman shade took some doing, but I love the combination of fabrics. It's a room meant to celebrate life.
A closer look at the curtain pattern.
Here is a photo which I ripped out of a magazine and kept in the crib. It beautifully represents our hearts... "Anticipation".
I didn't want to go overboard with our SIX different fabrics (too late?) so I kept one wall rather bare and just put a splash of orange on it and covered a canvas with one of the fabrics. I also made the bedskirt. Perhaps this seems like a little much, but I used my sewing time to bond with the idea that I was indeed preparing for our little one. I needed a lot of bonding time apparently. haha
An Emily Dickinson poem about hope. 
I made these 3 birdie pics out of fabric and felt. The theme for the room is hope and birds.
Here is the dresser/changing table that Dan refinished. Isn't he great?
We are ready to meet you, Little One!


Anonymous said...

It looks marvelous! You did a great job with the decorating.

Hope all goes well in the morning.

trevsmom said...

love it all Emily, we will be praying for a safe and healthy delivery....I can't believe it is already here! :-)

Sittintall said...

Ohhhh, it looks so beautiful. I wish I had your eye and talent. I am very impressed with how much you've done while being preggo! Can't wait to hear the news (hope it's soon)!

carey said...

I. LOVE. IT. Praying for you today! Your "hope" is arriving!

Mercy said...

I think her name should be HOPE!

Jenni S. said...

It turned out beautifully! It seems like such a bright, cheery place for a new little girl. Hope she's enjoying it!