Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Eenie Meenie Minie....Pica!

Okay, brace yourself. I know I've had strange cravings for food, but I've just recently read that there are women who crave NON-food items. It's called pica. Here, read if for yourself:

"A more serious type of craving, called pica, in which women crave nonfood items, like dirt or laundry starch, can be dangerous and even fatal. Several theories have been proposed as to what causes pica, from a deficiency of calcium or iron, to the ability of certain nonfood items to quell nausea and vomiting. However, there has never been any medical reason determined. Needless to say, cravings of this nature are not to be indulged."

Not to be indulged? Nu-duh. They're fatal. I've read of women craving paint chips. I crave regular chips, so I figure I'm ahead there.

I actually wonder if Morgan has pica because she tastes the strangest things. (See earlier post on mirror licking.)

Well, that's all from the peanut gallery today. Back to my cottage cheese.

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