Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ditch and Doc

It was nearly 60 degrees today, so I brought Morgan's bike out and helped her ride.

She kept looking at the edges of the sidewalk which made her steer to the edges of the sidewalk.

"Morgan, if you want to stay on the sidewalk, look at the sidewalk," I told her. "If you keep focusing on the ditch, you'll end up in the ditch."

I listened to the audacity of what I was saying; I struggle every day to not think about the ditch.

Being a parent has changed the way I look at life tremendously.


I have a knee which has been sprained-ish for 3 weeks, so I went to the ortho doc today.

He gave me some tips on healing my leg better. Morgan decided to pipe in, "I have an idea! How about kissing her knee?"

The doc laughed, said that kisses would be great but that he would not be the one to administer them.

Man, I love this kid.

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