Friday, March 7, 2008

Heads and Teeth

Morgan: "I have the worst headache I have had in my entire life."

Emily thinking to self:
Does Morgan even know what a headache is?
Where did she get that line?
Does she know what "entire life" is?

And then I remembered:

In Jon and K*ate plus E*ight, the mother had "the worst headache she had ever had in her entire life".


Yesterday our friends the Vandermeers were over. Their first-grade daughter was over a bit while waiting for a doc appt. Her name is Celeste. While she was here, she lost a tooth.
There was surprise.
There was blood.
And Celeste was a little scared.

It occurred to me that I never told Morgan about this phase of life: baby teeth falling out.
She looked absolutely scared.

I explained to her that baby teeth have to fall out so big teeth can come in.
All that Morgan saw was blood. She kept jumping up and down in fear.

Can you imagine being a kid and having your teeth come out without knowing about this phase?

Worse yet, can you imagine being an adult and having your teeth start to fall out to make room for your "geriatric teeth"?


Morgan: "Mom, if I grow long hair and get lots of strengths, can I wrestle a lion?"

I say nothing. I'm dumbfounded. I have no idea what she is talking about.

Morgan: "Like Samson? Can I grow long hair and get strengths like Samson? Then can I wrestle a lion?"

She's wanted long hair for a while now. Perhaps this is why?


Short Stop said...

Yikes. I never thought about the teeth. I bet it is scary. On both ends of life. Eek!

Love that Morgan!

Lauren said...

Yeah, John has a friend who lost her first tooth. He's very excited and it already counting the $ he's going to make!

Janice said...

Don't you think hearing that would crack Kate up?
Love that Morgan wants to take on the lion- you go girl!