Monday, March 17, 2008


Wow. What a weekend.

For starters, Dan spent a great deal of time memorizing and acting out a portion of Matthew for the Palm Sunday service. There was no sermon, just a handful of actors dressed in black who recited portions of Scripture. They did more than just recite the words, however. They gave them life and breath. Dan spent several hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday preparing his part. I missed seeing him a lot this weekend, but the end result was beautiful. He joined a talented throng of actors in our church in preparing our hearts for Holy Week.

It does help, I should add, that Pastor John has a background in theater. He staged the group in various and subtle ways on the stage so that when the actors brought the words to life it seemed as if we were dropping in on a family dinner or a coffee shop gathering.

In the end, the words were powerful and drew our attention to the cross.


This morning, after an immersion in Romans 8, I looked at my mounds of laundry, rolled up my sleeves and challenged the mounds to "Bring it on." There's nothing like a good dose of Monday housework after a Sunday sabbatical.


In other news, we got our living room painted this weekend. Hiring a painter really goes against every frugal fiber in my being, but it took me a week to paint two rooms this summer. And that was with Morgan gone to grandparents. Plus, our living room has a two story ceiling which promised to cause us considerable trouble.

We didn't paint it any wild colors. We painted the walls a cream color and our bookshelves which flank the fireplace a gray mortar color. It's a very soft color palette.

In the end, I'm really glad we hired painters. It took a team of 4 people about 15 hours to prep and paint the whole shebang! Dan and I laughed at how it would have taken us 3 months to do it. They did an excellent job.


Mercy said...

do we get to see a photo?

Sittintall said...

Wow, I would have liked to be at that service. It's holiday services like that, that really make me miss that church. I've tried to find a church in MI that is similar to the one I grew up in, but just can't seem to find one.