Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Go online. No wait, call. Now go online.

Have you been here before?

I'm trying to call in a refill for my mail order drugs. But the automated system keeps encouraging me to "go online" and refill there.

I decide to give it a whirl. It was a relatively easy process. Kudos, website. Kudos.

But then I remembered that for every drug that I refill that the drug company calls me no less than 2-3 times per prescription to give me a status update from an automated machine. That's 6-9 extra phone calls I don't need or want.

So I go online to their customer service in order to ask them how to not get phone calls. I have to register for a second time just to ask them this.

I got a response email today in a highly secure email which required me to register a third time. Not sign in, mind you. Register.

By the time I opened my email it told me to call the drug company. Call. On the phone.

The irony is that when I call them today, I will hear an automated message system encouraging me to go online again.

This had me laughing out loud this morning.


Sittintall said...

Oh the joys of technology!

Mercy said...

What a great attitude! I would have been... err... acting very ungodly... ;)

Kris said...

Got to love an automated society, eh?