Thursday, March 6, 2008

Squibble Squabble

Emily: "Morgan, do you know why you're in a time out?"

I'm asking her to see if she knows. But I'm also asking because in the 4 minute time lapse since banishing her to the time out step, I have honestly forgotten why I put her there.

Morgan: "Because I called you the ridiculous lady I ever knew."

Oh yeah, now it's coming back to me.

Emily: "Um, no. That's why you got soap in your mouth. You're here because I told you NOT to do something and you did it."

And just like that we're back on track again. Hugging. Forgiveness.

The "most ridiculous lady you ever knew"... ha! Just wait until you're 13, baby!


What Ma Said:

I found myself saying to Morgan this morning, "You want to cry? I'll give you something..." and then I stopped. A cliché hit me over the head. Do I really want to hear her reenact this with her dollies?


Mercy said...

ha ha ha... sandie never understood the concept of time out... well, she was really just rebellious... DUH! she had a yellow time out chair... trouble was, i coulndn't make her stay IN it!

Sheryl said...

Ha ha. I got that line - you wanna cry? I'll give you something to cry about! Ha.

Short Stop said...

Dear Ridiculous Lady,

Keep it up. You're doing a great job!


Ridiculous Lady #2

Lauren said...

That is hilarious. I relate to forgetting which offense we are currently punishing. And I when I re-hear those phrases it goes something like:
Dinosaur 1- "Mommy I'm sorry"
Dinosaur 2- "You shouldn't have done that now I'm going to have to spank you extra hard for lying..."
Then both dinosaurs get attacked by Komodo Dragon which I think means that all is forgiven.