Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank God

One week ago, my sister had an ultrasound.

She's pregnant. With twins.

They weren't sure if the sacs had something viable inside them.

But today she heard a heartbeat. And then another. Two babies.

She's completely stunned. For 10 days they didn't know if the pregnancy was strong; she had some spotting. But today, they're reeling from the news. They'll have 4 children under the age of 4.

This story reminds me of Hannah and gives me joy to know that God remembered. My sister lost her first two pregnancies at 8 weeks and 11 weeks. She grieved them and left them in God's Almighty hands. And today, her infertility is becoming a blip on the timeline of life.

God remembered.


andrea said...

Congratulations to your sister and your entire family. What great news! Thinking about you! .a.

Beth said...

Congratulations! Twins can be scary, but they are 10x the joy. I know we love ours!

Short Stop said...

Wow. Congratulations to your sister. How exciting!

YES, God remembers. Amen to that.