Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cup 'o Tea

Yesterday was "contractor day". I had scheduled 3 contractors to come at various times throughout the day to fix our furnace, backup sump and garage door. And while being home all day isn't always my cup of tea, it turned out just fine. 

Morgan notified me that today was Ariel's birthday and that we needed to have a party for her. With the combination of Christmas and a new baby sibling right around the corner, Morgan has been wanting me to play a lot of pretend with her: Pretend Christmas (she wraps up her toys and opens them the next morning), pretend birthday party (she wraps up her presents and gives them to dolls) and pretend Mommy (she gives her dolls food that she later eats). 

Today was no exception: She wrapped up some presents for Ariel. Then she made "inbitations" in which there were "rules" for the party. As I recall, the invitation told guests: "no hitting, bragging or sweating." I'm pretty much speechless as to how she came up with that one.

We got the Easy Bake oven out and made cookies for the guests. Fortunately all of our guests had a lack of a gastrointestinal system, so Morgan and I had to eat "their" cookies, too. 

And then, like a good party host, she cleaned the dishes. 

Somehow in that busy morning I managed to go to my ob-gyn and talk to various contractors. What a day.

In the end I was acutely aware that these "home days" are sometimes Morgan's favorite. Aw, shucks... I like them, too. 


Short Stop said...

OH, that girl. "No bragging" - LOL!! That's hilarious.

Way to go having her do the dishes. And, that picture at the window - UGH - love it!

Jenni S. said...

LOL. I'm laughing about the "no sweating." Is that a big problem around there? LOL. I love how her mind works!

Sittintall said...

Sounds like quite the busy day! And how nice of you to join in on the festivities. You have such a creative child....makes you wonder what the next one will be like? Hmmm.