Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Drama Queen

It's feast or famine with news in the Dykstra house. Good news at least. It's been monnnnnnnttths of interviewing for Google. (No, thank you for asking. No offer yet.) Not to mention house hunting and trying for baby #2. And then, out of nowhere, here has what has transpired in the last two weeks:

- Dan will have a third interview with Microsoft

- Google has suddenly been communicating with Dan- even calling at home during the evening- to "consider him"

- Dan was voted in to become a deacon at our church as of Monday night

- We got back from Charlotte last night around 7pm, went directly to see a house in Aurora, liked the house and went directly to the realtor's office to prepare an offer on it. (Only Emily went to the realtor's office- Dan and Morgan were wiped.)

I should be freaking out about the fact that our house is closing in 4 weeks, but when there has been so much drama in our life in the past 8 months that this kind of news pales in comparison. I'm still type "A", but a little more subdued. I'm "A-okay". Alright, that was bad, but I'm one tuckered out Emily. A little grace, please.

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