Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Today Morgan and I were invited to join Beth Tukker and Ann Vandermeer in the Easter tradition of egg dyeing. We had a blast.

These two women are a bit more seasoned than I am at things like, oh I don't know, allowing youngsters to handle highly fragile objects and drop them in dye. I was a bit on the skittish side but I put on a brave front. There were 6 children and, as fortune would have it, 6 available dyes. Initially the idea of letting each child dye whatever color they wanted to dye their 6 eggs was put forth, but when the demand for purple and blue was high, we decided to ditch that effort. Each kiddo got 6 eggs and had to dye one of each in the 6 colors. It was extremely fair. Their little worlds were happy.

Morgan was given two eggs to take home, a green and a blue one. I told her to put them in the fridge. She them in the fridge alright. Her play fridge, the one I bought her for her two year old birthday. Grrr. Semantics.

Not long after promising to "keep them safe" in her fridge, my daughter called for me, crying hysterically. "Mom! My egg hatched! My egg hatched!" Yikes. Didn't see THAT coming. Isn't there some kind of process to keep those things from becoming chicks?

Further investigation showed that one of the eggs CRACKED; it didn't HATCH, thank goodness.

My daughter was still crying so I showed her how to peel the egg and eat it. Apparently she was unfamiliar with "hard boiled" because when I showed her the inside, she was astounded. I let her eat some while watching her tears fade to joy. It was vaguely like watching the moment Sam-I-Am in Dr. Seuss decide that he DID like green eggs and ham.

I asked her how she liked hard boiled eggs. "They're good. But they're not hard, Mom. They're soft."

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