Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Late Ride

Late Ride is a Chicago tradition in which a bunch of bike lunatics ride around downtown Chicago from midnight to sunrise. It's for all ages, but it attracts a lot of middle-aged men who desperately want to remember their manliness and forget their crying children.

This year I submitted a design for the contest. I have no idea whether or not I will win, but I had a blast designing it. And I'll probably make Dan wear it if he attends this year's function. Tell me, gentle readers, which color combo you like best. Click on the images to see them larger. They look better that way.


Unknown said...

The colorblind dope that I am says the first one works better on my eyes.

Kathryn Clark said...

Since pink is my FAVORITE color (go MARY KAY) I vote for the pink and yellow one. It looks more vibrant, catchy. It'd look good on a T-shirt! Go Emily!!!

andrea said...

The green and blue design says "night-time" to me. Hope that helps!