Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Fiber, anyone?

I'm on a fiber kick lately. I eat as much fiber as I can tolerate so that I can:

1. Be a good example to my daughter

2. Be regular

3. Counteract the vast amounts of sugar intake I eat every hour.

In order to achieve this fill of fiber, I take Fiber One cereal. It boasts 8 grams of fiber per serving which is more than cattle eat on a diet of dried grass, let me tell you. Good stuff. Well, yesterday my Fiber One cereal was on sale at Dominicks and *bonus* it had an offer for FREE Fiber One snack bars. I greedily bought 4 boxes to take advantage of the offer. The peanut butter bars are fantastic. The chocolate ones are also pretty good. I know because I tried both. But that amount of fiber in an American diet is bound to thrust the individual into a whole new lifestyle, let me tell you. *whew* Brutal.

My husband is naturally regular. If this is too much info for you, then you can stop reading now because it's only going to get worse. He's so regular that they set the Colorado atomic clock by his bowel schedule. Seriously. Well, I decided to add a little fun to his day. I threw a Fiber One snack bar in his lunch. By afternoon, he'll be riding the porcelein ring like a cowboy and bronco. hehe. Ah, marriage.

Well, I best be going. I need to go to Starbucks to counteract all my good fiber-ific efforts of yesterday.

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