Monday, April 2, 2007

Wind Sock

I saw the strangest marketing technique the other day. Outside a Verizon retail store was a large wind sock blowing in the breeze with the Verizon logo on it. It was a black and on the top of it was the shape of an upper torso of a body. It had two arms, a head and stringy hair blowing wildly in the wind, all black. Think voodoo doll. When the wind caught the arms and hair sharply, it would dip up and down in the wind like a boogey monster.

I'm unsure what the message was behind this wind sock, so I came up with possibilities:

- We're airheads!

- Death to all who enter

- The Verizon "V" stands for "Voodoo"

*sigh* At least it made me smile.


A girl who loves said...

Aahh. You can take the girl out of marketing, but you can't take the marketing out of the girl. :)


Emily Dykstra said...

Laughing... yep. You got me.