Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For the Birds

Earlier this week Dan and I had a special event happen at twilight. Dan woke me up and told me to look out the window. A horned owl was perched on our bird feeder in the back yard. By the pinkish pre-dawn light, we could make out its squareish head from the silhouette. I've never seen an owl outside of a cage.

We watched it for a few moments and then marveled at how it suddenly pounced on something below, presumbably a mouse. After its pre-dawn snack, it spread its great wings and smoothly flew away. It was better than watching television. Amazing.


A few days later, I heard a loud *smack* on our living room bay window. I thought someone threw a snowball. I was disheartened to see a little bird on its back lying in the snow. Ugh. I tried to distract Morgan in the event that our flying friend would no longer be airborn.

After a little while, I was relieved to see that the little guy had flipped over on its stomach. He still wasn't moving much. I went outside and threw some pretzel crumbs in the snow for him. He gave me one of those confused, cocked-head looks.

I wanted to make sure he knew where he was. Summoning my knowledge of how to treat a patient with head trauma (none), I used a loud, clear voice and said the following: "You're a bird. You've had an accident. Birds fly. Now fly away."

About a half hour later the little guy vanished. I'm glad my words of encouragement worked.;)


trevsmom said...

So now you are talking to the birds? Hmmmm :-)

Sittintall said...

I'm glad you are educated in bird survival tactics. He was probably doomed if he had hit anybody elses window!

Anonymous said...

haha! i'm going to have to call you when i get some patients with head trauma some day... you can be my "head trauma whisperer"


that made no sense


i love yoouuuu!

Sheryl said...

Ha ha ha!! Are you the bird whisperer? Do we need to call TLC and start a new show? :)
Way to coax that little guy back to life, Emily!

Kris said...

LOL! Love the words to the bird!


Janice said...

last weekend i explained to a frog why i had to clear the leaves under my house and subsequently demolished his home. its nice to know there are others out there.