Sunday, December 9, 2007


Well, well. Look who's joined the hearty throng of minivan owners.

Introducing our white 2006 Toyota Sienna. I named it "Oliver", but something tells me Dan will call it "Em's car". Just a hunch.

We like it. When we asked Morgan how she liked it, she asked if she could paint it blue. After asking on three different occasions if she could change the car's color, Dan made it very clear to her that she should leave it alone. Visions of blue crayons came to mind apparently.

A sheepish thank you to all friends who have let us borrow their minivans in the past.


Anonymous said...

congrats, em! i know you've wanted one for a loooong time!

(still hoping...)


trevsmom said...

welcome my friend to the mini van momma world! I jokingly said that maybe when we got a mini van, then more children would come to fill the van? Here is praying!

andrea said...

You did it! I think--if the space is ever needed, I'll opt for the SUV. Just kidding! Congrats on the new purchase!

Kris said...

Welcome to the dark side. It's filled with lots of room for craigslist purchases!