Saturday, December 29, 2007

Top 12 Lessons Learned

This is the kind of topic that doesn't fit neatly in Christmas card well wishes. I specifically avoided the Christmas letter this year for this very reason. Doesn't make for good dinner conversation. You understand.

My fertility struggles over the past year and a half have been immensely spiritual and time consuming. Like most trials, we never desire the pain, but are changed forever by the lessons learned.

Here are My Top 12 Lessons Learned from Fertility Issues


Top 12 Reasons Why I Won't Give Up

1. Because no matter how many losses I experience, no amount of grief can water down the pull to raise more children. I will keep getting up so long as God allows.

2. There is no magical prayer, diet, pill or exercise that can make God change our situation. He hears every prayer, no matter how simple.

3. Because I've never been a particularly patient person, but now, every time I dust the dirt from my fall, I become more resolved to see the ending to my fertility journey in the way that God wants.

4. Because I'm not dead.

5. Because I've "threatened" God that if he does not grant us more children, I will buy all Morgan's clothes from Nordstrom and they will not be on sale. (Oh, c'mon. Laugh.)

6. Because God told Hosea to stay married to a woman who would leave him again and again. Sometimes God allows failure to show us a deeper truth.

7. Because God loves children. Especially my babies... they're really cute.

8. Because God Himself gave and hoped repeatedly for His own children to appear.

9. Because the whole Judeo-Christian faith is steeped in infertility. Plus, I'm only 1/3 of the way to being 100 yrs. old like Sarah. :)

10. Because people like Anna and Simeon dedicated their whole life to waiting for a special child. "Waiting on God" does not mean "forgotten by God".

11. By jove, His grace is sufficient in my weakness.

12. I love God.


Tenny Zanity said...

Good points - all of them... here's to hope (clinkingofinvisiblegobletsfilledwithgrapejuice:)

Short Stop said...

I love you, Em! And, your resolve to trust in the God that loves you is inspiring and precious to witness. I'm learning from you...

Sheryl said...

You are an amazing woman, Emily!
Thank you for this testament of your faith! Like Miss Short Stop, I'm learning from you!!