Monday, December 31, 2007

A little merriment for the New Year

Morgan came into my room this morning while I was still in bed and half asleep.

Morgan: "Mom?"

Emily: "Hmm?"

Morgan: "Gingerbread houses are for eating."


Emily: "Morgan, did you eat our Christmas gingerbread house decoration?"

Morgan: "Can I?"

Emily: (Trying not to laugh)- "You can have a part of it after lunch."

BUT WAIT... the story continues downstairs with Daddy.

Morgan: "Dad?"

Dan: "Yes, Morgan?"

Morgan: "Mommy said I could have this gingerbread cookie after lunch."

Dan: "Okay."

Morgan: "I want breakfast to be my lunch."

Dan and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.


Dan was busy in the basement. Morgan yelled downstairs to him.

Morgan: "DADDDD!"

Dan: "What is it, Morgan?"

Morgan: "Smell my feet!"

And would you believe it? The big guy came upstairs and did as he was told. Giggling ensued.

Morgan: "Mom!!! Mom!!!"

Emily: "What's going on?"

Morgan: "Is this an '8'?" (She puts her thumbs and forefingers of her two hands together to make two adjacent circles.)

Emily: "Why yes! It is an '8'."

Morgan: "Yea! I made an '8'! I made an '8'!"

The child was more happy than Christmas day. Go figure.


Sheryl said...

Now that's just plain ol' funny! :)

Unknown said...

Technically, it wasn't an 8. It was "infinity"...but there's not a lot of difference between those on a cosmic level, so we'll just let 8=infinity for now. :)