Friday, December 7, 2007


Morganisms, or "So you wonder why I'm so brain dead at the end of a day"

I broke one of Morgan's crayons. As she was taping it back together, I received this lecture from her:

"Mom, if you break anymore of my crayons, I'm not going to tape it again, okay? I'm going to have to ask Santa to bring some more for Christmas. 'Cause my other crayons are very very getting old."


I took Morgan to an indoor carousel. She was riding on a horse.

Emily: "So, what's your horse's name?"

Morgan: "Her name is Lamey."

Emily: Ruh roh. "Lamey? Lame means that she can't walk. That is not a very good name for a horse."

Morgan: "No, 'Lamey' means that she CAN walk, Mom. Her name is Lamey."

Right. You won't find me on a horse named Lamey.

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