Thursday, December 20, 2007


Morgan: "Mom, when people die do they have x's on their eyes?"

Too much TV?


Morgan: "Daddy, does you arm feel better?" (Dan got blood drawn from Red Cross the other day.)

Dan: "Yes, Punkin'. It feels a lot better."

Morgan: "Why did you get a shot?"

Dan: "Well, some other people needed blood, so I had plenty and I shared some."

Morgan: (Recalling her flu vaccine the other day- she hated it.) "Well, I share toys. I do NOT like shots."

1 comment:

Sittintall said...

That girl knows her sharing limits! That is cute. She was concerned enough to ask how her daddy was feeling, but knew well enough to not share her blood! I recently had to give blood, and had no choice but to bring Kyra with me, however she wanted me to keep coming back because they had such a great play area! Forget moms pain, she wanted the toys!