Friday, November 14, 2008

35 Weeks Down, 35 Days to Go

Today I saw an image of a baby. 

My baby. 

Growing inside, gnawing on her fist. 

Saw her fingers. Toes. Bladder. Heart.

She said, "I'm alive, Momma! I'm alive!" with her marvelous movements.

We didn't get a printout pic of her face, but for a full few seconds she looked directly into the camera and I fell in love. Dan and I both did. It felt surreal.

She has very long legs. (We were so surprised... sarcasm, sarcasm.)

Head down (whew!) 

And I hope to meet her in just 35 days. *sigh*


Sittintall said...

Ahhh...what a precious memory. I bet you can hardly wait.

Jenni S. said...

I can't believe how close it is now. I am so excited for you all.