Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rest for the Weary

I am so impressed with myself. 

I am so impressed by how the slightest wind of health change can send me from "happy momma" to "el grumpo". If I would have read this post a year ago, I would say to myself, "Self, be happy you're pregnant. What's a little back pain?" But this sciatica is truly debilitating. 

I told my sister Noel that I hope to never take my general health for granted ever again after this pregnancy. Or complain about exercising. To just be grateful for movement. 

It's difficult for me to see something that  needs to be done (vacuuming) and tell myself that I need to stay seated and rested and not worry about the fuzzies. Laughing... I know that this sciatica is preparing me for life with a newborn and I'm truly humbled by how much I struggle with wanting to make my house just a *little* more clean. 

Here's the good news: While my  little intruder is constantly kicking, it is something that I wished for... to feel life inside me. And this week, if my online sources are correct, she is scheduled to grow 3/4 of a pound! Whew! What joy that she grows and develops. 

I can use this rest time to read, pray, play cards with Morgan and ask Dan for help. All things which will come in handy after the birth, too.

And while it's not the *best* picture of my little one, I have etched in the recesses of my mind a certain image of her looking at me and Dan in the ultrasound screen. She looked directly into the camera and munched busily on her fist. I can't wait to meet her. 

Hope to see you in a month, baby girl!

(Here is an ultrasound photo that shows her gnawing on her fist. There was another image that was much better but we were unable to get a pic of it. Still... we're smitten.)


Kris said...

Oh my goodness. What an amazing thing. She's "chomping at the bit" to see you! What a great picture!

Jenni S. said...

How precious to be able to see that sweet little life before you get to meet her face to face. I can't wait to see her on the outside!