Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tea for Two

Let me set the stage regarding these photos: Yesterday was a Monday. Enough said, right?

Two grocery stores. 
One other errand. 
The tired "distractions" of taking a preschooler to multiple but necessary places:
"Please stop hanging on the cart."
"Please stop taking things off the racks." 
"Here's your second snack."
"Let's see who can put their seatbelt on faster."
You know the drill.

The mother pretending to be "perky".  
A daughter who did rather well considering it was beaucoup errand day. 
Big morning.

A nap was necessary. 

And since Morgan was not interested in a nap, she played quietly in her room while I attempted sleep. 

The operative word here is "attempted".

(At this point I would like to totally deviate and let the reader know that I just now heard my daughter open a bag of M&Ms which scattered all over the wood floor. Totally appropriate that I should hear that background noise as I write this.)

Now back to our post: Miss Morgan kept coming into my bedroom every few minutes to invite me to a tea party. She must've invited me 10 times. Grudgingly seeing that a nap was impossible, I entered her room to find this:

That's right: A hamper made into a table. A pretty tablecloth and "table" all set with food and plates. A little girl "dressed" for the occasion. Hospitality.

I can't say that my tiredness left me, but I willed it to leave me. I remembered that she was this little only once and I thoroughly enjoyed my wood tomato tea snack. The company was delightful. It wasn't a "scheduled" time of play or "intentional" parenting. All the better. 

Morgan, may you continue to show hospitality like this all your life. Love you, baby girl.


Beth said...

Why do the cutest and most memorabe moments always seem to happen at the most inopportune times? I am so looking forward to sharing some tea parties with my daughter as well. Glad you were able to enjoy your afternoon!

Sittintall said...

What a cute little tea party! And very innovative too. Yup...too cute to walk away from.

Sandy said...

Ahh, she was taught well! Thank you for sharing this with me! Made my day (and darling girl!) :)

Jenni S. said...

Oh my goodness, that is so sweet. I wouldn't have been able to walk away either.