Monday, November 10, 2008

Times of Grace

Thankful for our friends Sarah and Jason visiting us in Chicago. Watching them parent their 3 boys was encouraging... taking time to cuddle and play. My, we enjoyed them. Besides, they're east-coasters at heart... gotta love that. *wink*

Finding some deals with Sarah at the Crate and Barrel Outlet. I've been remaining "Crate and Barrel chaste" so that I'd enjoy my time with her there. I got a gorgeous Thanksgiving tablecloth for about $20. It's hard to find a good tablecloth less than $80. Whoo-hoo!

Having Kris and Carey come over for dinner to meet Sarah and Jason. Amazing how blogging connects people! Much laughter was had.

Sharing mothering stories that remind us that we're all in this together. 

Having a date "morning" with Dan on Friday. Having breakfast with my best bud and then *amazingly* finding the wool coat he wanted (and needed desperately) at a favorite men's clothing store of his. It's hard to find coats that fit his tall frame; most of the time we have to have it shipped, but this one was the LAST one in the store window. Laughing... he had the audacity to ask me, "Should we buy it?" Yes, yes and more yes. 

Having Dan try out a treadmill I have been researching and finding out that *yes!* it will fit his gait. We've been wanting him to try this treadmill out for many, many months. Now that we know the model we want, let the deal searching begin!

Watching Kung Fu Panda for family movie night on Sunday night. Watching Dan wrestle with Morgan. Playing Scrabble with Dan in bed. (We don't keep points b/c he's so competitive. *wink*)

Attending church where God's Word is preached. Living in a country where we may worship freely.

Waking up to a little one kicking vigorously inside me. Learning to accept the fact that I need to rest my body this morning... some sort of weird stretching pains remind me that my body is not my own right now. Thankful for a kind family who doesn't push me when I need to rest. Smiling at my stomach as it wobbles from fetus' kicking. Looks like a TV and reading day. Thankful for leftovers in the fridge; dinner is ready. :)


Sittintall said...

So thankful you all got to meet each other (well I know they're good friends of yours, but the whole crew must of been fun). And thankful that you have leftovers (what would we ever do without them?)

Beth said...

Isn't it nice when everything just seems to fall into place. God is truly a wonder and He always seems to put these things in our lives when we need them the most! Glad you had a nice weekend!

Jenni S. said...

From how both you and Sarah described it, it sounds like a blissfully fun weekend. So glad you got that time together!