Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This is the Google And*roid. 

It's sitting in a box on top of my fridge.

My husband offered it to me. He received it from his work. 

If Dan had a normal wife, she would jump for joy and tackle him with screams of delight. But poor Dan married me. The technophobe. 
New technology scares me. 

My current cell phone is at least 4 years old. It doesn't even have a camera on it.

I keep cars as long as possible because I get attached to them.

I have the latest browser loaded on my M*ac, but I usually use the older version. 

To further illustrate, let me add this: 
Dan's family bought his grandmother a microwave oven years ago and the dear elderly woman was so frightened by the novelty of it that she used it to hold dishes she wasn't using. She never used it.
Dan's family gets a laugh from that story. 
I will totally be that old woman years from now.

I'm not sure if I want to activate this beautiful piece of technology. It would open a whole new world of accessibility for me. Photos. Texting. Wireless internet. 

So I'm asking for advice on the pros and cons of activating this phone. 

-Waffle Girl


Sheryl said...

Dooo it! It looks like an awesome phone - lots to it :) I'll take it off your hands if you're too scared! J/k.

But have to think about YOU and what your phone needs are. Do you WANT to be connected 24/7? Do you want people to be able to get atcha whenever they feel like it? Do you want to be able to quick look something up online when you're in the middle of a grocery store w/ 2 screaming little girls? :) I guess just weigh in on the pros and cons and let that help you decide!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen one of these before. I have a Blackberry for work and love it. I can check email or FB on it if I'm sitting in the car waiting to pick up a kid or sitting at the rink, etc. I don't have a camera on my personal cell phone and have never seen the need for it. Like Sher says, you just have to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision. It might also depend on the monthly plan charge to enable such a device.

Shannon said...

I say don't do it. I hate seeing people on those types of things. I say sell it and use the money to buy yourself a nice new outfit. :)

Beth said...

I have to agree with Shannon. It's way too easy to get sucked in! If you have legitimate places where you would use it, then go for it, but if a good ole cell phone works for ya, I say, just use that.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is...I knew we were friends for a reason! ;) Lots of reasons, of course, but you described ME to a "t!" I, too, am scared by technology and would much prefer to do things the old way. I *think* my phone has a camera (???) but I have no idea how to use it!!!! (;

Jenny (Parent)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sher. B U T... I have a BlackBerry and I love it. I actually spend less time on the computer since I can head off and respond to emails as I get opportunity during the day.

Unknown said...

If I may interject, allow me to add the following:

1. As Google gave me the phone tax-free, I am forbidden to sell it; I can only give it to a family member

2. If you're worried about being connected 24/7, remember that it does have an "off" button

3. Having access to a map or the web when running errands is actually a good thing

Ahhhh...there. Now, don't be hatin' on the Google phone! We're just trying to help! :)

Short Stop said...

Don't know what I would do without my Blackberry anymore. The maps - OH THE MAPS - Dan is SO right about that.

As for being connected all the time, I found that the balance was rather easy to achieve. Just like anything in life, balance is key. And, knowing you, you would have no trouble balancing it.